
We are all temporary visitors here, passing through on our own unique journey. Despite our varying backgrounds, I believe we are one community, one world.

As such, it is in our best interest to learn from one another, share our trials and triumphs, and hopefully, leave the world in better shape for those that will follow.

I believe that there is a better way to experience life than what we've been led to believe, and I'm actively seeking to find that way (though, surely there are many).

I believe that love conquers all.

Most importantly, I believe.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today ended up being one of those days where I find myself restless and bored…with everything.  My job isn’t stimulating enough; my life is satisfying enough; my relationships aren’t fulfilling enough…

I don’t know if this is standard fare; a necessary and expected burden of human existence.  I know that it’s a feeling that plagues me on a fairly regular basis.  Does anyone else battle these same feelings?  I question whether it is good – a catalyst to propel me to the next level – or bad – a reminder that I haven’t come as far as I thought I had.  I find myself shunning convention: what’s so great about an 8-to-5 existence?  What if I don’t want to hang stockings or eat ham or do anything else anyone expects me to do? 

It’s not realistic to expect to experience peace 24/7, right?  Is that a limitation I’ve placed on myself?  What does it take, what feats do I have to achieve, what dragons must I slay to experience perpetual peace?

I want to live fearlessly, with abandon…yet I don’t know how.  That’s not true: I do know how.  I can live with abandon if I don’t give in to fear; if I don’t listen to that aggravating little voice saying, “what if…”  Wow.  That sounds so easy.

How do I start?  Do I start by telling Chris that I am in love with him?  Yes, sometimes I am afraid, but I want to love you anyway…

Do I start by refusing to accept average, ho hum, status quo?  By finding my voice and letting it out?!  I don’t have to express to be accepted, to find fame, to be loved, but simply because I have something to say…

Do I start by forging my own path, free from the need to receive the approval of others?  I believe, yes.  But I don’t believe everything you believe.  I don’t think I need someone else to tell me what I believe.  I’m finding my own way, and I like where I’m headed…

I believe that peace is mine.  I feel it now…thank you for returning to me.  Or should I apologize, rather, for turning my back on you?  Life is good.  The universe is an abundant provider to those that seek something more.  I’m seeking more.  And I can’t wait to see what I find.


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